So part 5, you and I got along very well. So well, in fact, that I believe I'll go back and read you again. And again. And again one more time.

Thought that Clark going to the Apollo was a smart decision, and a nice callback to the pilot. I thought he might spend the night hovering over his apartment, trying *not* to use his vision gizmo to check on Lois, lol.

Superman's encounter with Lex was well-done, too. The one line you wrote... what was it... oh, this one:

"No, I am warning you." Luthor leaned forward slightly, his dark gaze boring into Clark's. "If anyone is in danger, Superman, it's you."

Clark blinked, then felt a chill slide down his spine at how utterly calm Luthor was. Clearly the man felt he was holding all the cards.

Yeah, when Clark get s chill down his spine, I *definitely* do. Lex is always confident, but the utter calm in the face of the most physically powerful man in the world? That scares me, too, Clark.

Thankfully, before I could get too shudder-y about that, you nicely switched the scene back to Lois in Clark's bed and their nightly phone conversations (are they nightly? that's the only drawback of posting in parts... I tend to get the timeline mixed up because I don't always go back to reread the older parts before reading the latest one.) I had to laugh at Lois referring to Superman as a rat fink for telling Clark she was there - seems very Lois. And when she was telling him it'd been a long day, and he told her to say the word and he'd be on a plane? Aw, my heart soared with hers. So sweet, so Clark.

Clark chuckled. "For the record, Lois, most of the time I take great pleasure in messing with you. But this isn't one of those times."

Had to highlight this one, because it was one of my favorite lines from this part. I love Clark sweet, I love him thoughtful, I love him beyond nice... but I love him just a tad mischievous, too.

Oh, and the end? With the questions about what people wear to bed, and what phone they are using, and if they are under the covers, and... um, Lois was not the only one with the pounding heart. I was over here all like, are they are actually, true-story flirting with each other? Like, way pushing the boundaries of what's appropriate for friends flirting? Oh my, I love that. Please, let's have more of that!

Tracey smile