I loved this part! I got everything that I asked for and enjoyed it as much as I thought I would.

Superman's visit to Lex Towers was tense. Clark really is out of his league when dealing with criminal masterminds. He probably should not have gone. I wonder if Lex will back off on the fires now that he's threatened Superman directly? In any case, Superman needs someone - a partner of sorts - to help him find and take care of the Kryptonite. Hey, I know! He should tell Lois. laugh

I love you for giving me the bedtime phone call. Thank you so much! Best part --
It was pretty ironic that the distance Luthor had put between them was actually loosening the boundaries of their friendship. Lois was a lot more flirty when she thought he was thousands of miles away.
Ha! Called it!

Yes, she's much more flirty. It's fun to see Lois trying to guess who Clark's love interest is. I hope that she let's it slip soon that whomever it is, she hates her and is jealous. Clark needs that kind of encouragement to tell Lois that he loves her.

Even across thousands of miles of phone line she could hear Clark swallow. Lois smiled, feeling a little feminine pride that Clark might be trying to imagine what she was wearing right now.

"Which phone are you using?" Clark's voice had dropped to a husky rumble and the low pitch of it reverberated through her as if a tuning fork had just been struck.

"Which phone?" she repeated. She couldn't quite parse the question when her brain was still occupied with noticing just how sexy Clark's voice could be.

"The one in the living room? Or in the bedroom?"

"Um, bedroom," she whispered.

She could practically hear his grin, even before he spoke, still using that low tone that was really starting to do something for her. "Are you in my bed?"

"Maybe," she allowed somewhat coquettishly.

"Under the covers?"

"Does it matter?"

"I guess that depends on what you're wearing."

"Nothing but boxers," she said with a giggle. "I hear they're all the rage in nighttime attire this year."

She heard him draw in a quick breath then release it slowly. "Superman was right. That is going to prey upon my imagination."
Sorry to quote so much, but I just love this exchange so much. I aspire to be able to write witty banter like this. And UST. I love Lois and Clark UST. Thanks for that!