Hi! wave

HiddenMoon - Ha! This story is sponsor-free (otherwise I'd be flouting those pesky copyright laws).

I almost wish some more time will pass until they meet in the flesh again
Ah, but you should see what happens when do meet again in the flesh. wink

are you sure you don't want to elaborate a nfic appendix for this story? Really, really sure? *winks 'til her lids hurt*
Let's get this story finished first. laugh

Laura - And now you're fashionably early!

keeping them apart is definitely bringing them closer together. I'm totally sitting here, completely craving their next night on the phone together...
They are growing closer. And they're both craving the next conversation as much as you are. smile

The flirting comes off as so much 'more' when you know that underneath it all, what everything is resting on, is a foundation of love.
Yes! The flirting is a safe way to express the deeper feelings underpinning their relationship.

As much as I'm normally 'pro-Tell Her The Truth!!!', I do actually agree with Clark's reasoning here. Lois has a lot of 'crazy' going on now--her safety net is all out of wack.
She's definitely in a weird place right now. And so is he. They're both loose of their moorings and under increased stress. To me, that's part of the reason that their phone calls carry so much emotional heft. For just a few minutes every night, they can forget that they're individually being stalked by Lex, and that neither of them can go home.

So...I'm guessing the answer is 'no' (story-related), but could Superman do this? Tell Lois that Lex is pycho (why sugar coat it, right? ), and take her, get her out of Metropolis.
I can't see Lois agreeing to that, even if she is freaked out. She's not the type to turn and run.

Playfulness is such a fun part of being a couple (Or...when you are partners, best friends, and on the verge of being a 'couple'
It's one of the best parts! It's the glue that holds you together when times aren't so easy. smile

I will be reliving this conversation for the rest of the day, thank you
No, thank you!

You do such a fantastic job with the banter here...carrying the friendship, the comfort, the attraction, THE HEAT on these few moments (while on the phone--even more amazingly enough). THIS--this is exactly why I am such a huge fan of yours. Bravo
Golly! blush blush blush Thank you!

mozartmaid - Thank you so much! I'm thrilled to have you here! wave

GooBoo - Shhh! Lower your voice! The muse is a fickle creature and I can only write what she gives me. I had to take a little mental health break from Nice Girl, but more is coming. I've still been working on that story and Second Honeymoon. I swear on a stack of Bibles that they'll both get finished. smile

Susan - There you go! Now you're allowed to talk about who's wearing what as pajamas. :P

This section is ridiculously sexy - the fact that you're able to generate such an undercurrent of heat between two people that aren't even in the same room is a testament to your writing ability.
It's all due to my fabulous beta. That woman is AMAZING! thumbsup

I love the confrontation between Superman and Clark...great tension! You really nailed Lex' speech pattern - I could totally hear John Shea in my head.
Thank you! That's high praise indeed. laugh

Love this! Some of that shine seems to be wearing off the superhero.
Just a little bit. wink

My mind has permanently fixated on the sound of his voice!
hyper Mine, too! (No, really!)

Well, I happen to know that an insanely erotic, mind-meltingly hot N-fic scene is sitting on her hard drive (and my inbox!) right now.
I cannot deny that I did write an nfic using this part as a jumping off point.

She doesn't think people would really want to read the special treat she wrote for me, though.
LOL! What I said was that I wasn't entirely sure how it would go over with the rest of the boards. Not everyone gets me like you do. laugh

My deepest thanks to everyone who has commented. If you're reading this, and you haven't stopped in, please, please, PLEASE click in that "quick reply" box below. You don't have to leave something long, just let me know that you're out there. grovel sloppy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis