I enjoyed seeing Lex's slow descent into anger as Lois continued to stand her ground. First he was stunned, then measured, then an edge appeared, hardened to threatening. I was as frightened as Lois that he wasn't going to let go of her arm.

Of course, the scene with Clark was equally comforting. And funny. I loved the part where Clark asked her twice if she had gone to see Luthor tonight? Alone? laugh

It spoke much to Clark’s character that the first words out of his mouth were of comfort, not ‘I told you so.’
I love this. Lois has had so few people in her life that are nonjudgmental that it's no wonder that she's sought him out from the very beginning for friendship and comfort. He is her place of safety. This trait alone could have been the reason that she fell in love with Clark.

Oh, and she was brave. She made herself vulnerable and allowed herself to love Clark and then she took the even scarier step of telling him. Not easy for anyone that has been hurt before.

Wonderful story, Tracey. I can only hope that you'll be back with more, either with a continuation or with another tale. Thanks!