From the moment I glimpsed the title of this story it struck me as unique and asking to be read. Now that TraceyLynn has completed this tale of near loss and happy rediscovery it is plain to see why it is special.

“I see.” He brought a hand to his chin as he regarded her. “I know you think that it’s too soon, but I’m ready. To commit to you utterly and totally, eternally. I am. But if you don’t feel ready, I’ll wait. I’ll admit I’m not used to waiting for anything,” he quirked his lips into something that resembled a smile, “but for you, I’m prepared to bend my rules. We’ll spend some more time together and get to know each other slowly, if that’s what you wish.”

Talk about someone not listening! Lex, get a grip and a clue, the woman is not that into you.

She reeled back as the realization of what his words meant slapped her across the face. “You had me followed?”

His voice returned to its conversational tone, though his eyes still held their animosity as he lifted them to her once again. “Metropolis is a dangerous city, Lois. You of all people should know that. And I’m one of its most prominent citizens. There are people out there who wouldn’t hesitate to use you to get me. So, naturally, I check in on you. It’s a safety precaution, one I enacted as soon as we began dating.”

Safety Precaution? Unless you are dating a member of the British Royal Family, such a 'precaution' is totally unnecessary. This is just the beginning of him controlling everything that Lois does. Get out of there right now!

For his part, Clark knew that there was still the matter of Superman to deal with; Lois deserved the truth, especially if they were going to be together now as a couple. And it would have to be soon, he knew that, too. But right now, neither one of them wanted to look past the way they were feeling at this most special of moments. Whatever the next few weeks and months held, they knew they would make it through, because they had each other.

Oh my! Somehow I don't envy him that conversation. But seriously, there are so many other issues to be tackled that this fic just begs for a sequel. Many of my fellow FoLCs have said it much better than I! Please! grovel

Last edited by Morgana; 05/22/18 12:14 PM. Reason: Additional comments


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.