
A sweet, calming story. You always do such a good job of pulling out the small things that make the story feel more grounded while also highlighting Superman's powers -- I love the touch about him getting queasy when he smells a certain scent due to him having a terrible moment while still adjusting to his improved senses, as well as the basket Martha uses for her projects having come from Peru.

Clark's relationship with his parents is one of the first things about the show that drew me in and made me love him, so I love that you highlighted just how much he relies on them and comes to see them.

Great characterization here!

Anti-K! clap It has been so long since you commented on a story of mine. Opening the boards and seeing your name next to feedback on Summer was a special treat!

Small touches to a story really help to create and set the environment our heroes live in. Summers on any farm must be filled with days of plenty of hard work as well as being fun and relaxing. So what better way for the Kent clan to enjoy the quiet of an evening than on the front porch watching the stars and eating some cool dessert?

I can just imaging how difficult it must have been growing up with super senses and learning to control them. Having the ability to smell all kinds of things could not have been easy on Clark.

Of course Martha's basket came from Peru, during his world tramping days, her son probably picked up a number of useful items.

Deborah Joy Levine said she wanted his parents around in order for him to have stability, it made him more of a whole person and not someone who was alone in the world. Besides can you imagine Clark being raised by anyone else?


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.