I've been absent (real life getting in the way), sad but I'm back to comment in this wonderful story. blush

As Mike said it, the details pull you into the story. You feel as if you were there with them. Imagining the watermelon... I want to be there! drool

I understand Jonathan enjoying the view of the sky. I love looking at the stars! I'm always showing my daughter the planets that are visible. It's so beautiful!

The backstory about Martha makes sense. She always seemed more educated and refined than Jonathan. She never resembled a farmer's daughter. They were very different, but they completed each other, and it was what made their marriage so strong. love

But Metropolis is like no place else. The rhythm of the city’s streets just hum with life and the pace suits me. I can see myself living there for quite awhile. It is home.”

An impish grin tugged at his mother’s lips when she asked. “How is Lois?”

Wise Martha. She always reads between the lines. wink

“Now, Clark, I don’t want to be a nosy parker, but may I make a suggestion … or two?”

The young man shrugged his shoulders and said, “Sure Dad.”

It's a good thing that Clark listen to his parents. They always have good advice. Jonathan is very right about Clark needing to distance Superman from Lois. If Clark had done it since the beginning he could have avoided a lot of trouble. And the ice cream idea is perfect! Who doesn't love ice cream? hyper

you introduced us that couple who just moved to Metropolis from North Dakota, Victor and Alma Sandusky.

Are they someone that I should recognize? confused

“With the way our boy is talking make sure it’s a King size, not a Queen.”
Hehe... smart Jonathan! whistle grin

Thanks for this delightful story!


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15