So many questions -- and so little I can actually answer in return. So, here, have some vague feedback replies:

AnnieL, I don't know that Clark hasn't ruled out Lois being controlled by Luthor. He's confused and knows something's up but doesn't know what yet, and Clark's more of a slow-burn kind of guy in the rage department -- at least compared to Lois! smile And yes, I definitely think Clark knows Lois better in some ways, but he might not trust that so much this early, or at least in these circumstances.

Thanks for your faith in Lois, LMA! After I wrote Newsworthy, I was nervous everyone would automatically think the worst of Lois in any story I wrote! grin Lois may have a lot of faults, but when it comes down to it, she always has good intentions; not hard to see why Clark loves her! And...yep, I think that's all I can say there.

L&C can really be terrible communicators, Virginia, and that does backfire on them quite often (though, reall, considering all they have to deal with in their world, I try to be a bit lenient eek). Clark didn't fly over RIGHT away because he doesn't trust his own judgment in this at all, up till now he's had to train himself to not freaking out every time Luthor's near Lois, and also he does try his best not to abuse his powers and verge into stalker territory. Also, I had to read your feedback three times to make sure I followed all the trails you laid out, and I'm impressed (also a little flattered and intimidated that you think I'm capable of writing something with that many twists; I'll try not to let you down)!

Thanks, Morgana! Mysteries really aren't my thing, so every time I attempt one, it requires a lot of thought, outlining, and fingernail-biting -- appreciate the encouragement! And yes, getting advice is always a good idea, which is one of the reasons I love L&C (or Superman in general) so much, that Clark has a support system and uses it.

So glad you're still enjoying it, groobie! The questions do build up, but I don't think I'll keep you waiting for answers for TOO long. But then again, seeing my track record already with posting...hmm. peep

Thank you, everyone, for being patient with me, and for reading and letting me know what you think!