Glad people enjoyed it.

As to the recognition, *shrug* how often do people recognize their TV newspeople if they aren't standing there with a mic? And they are far more visible than newspaper reporters, even ones with billboards erected in their honor. Also, rematching the scene... the clones are all gathered right in the entrance, facing Lois and Clark, with the other 'patrons' behind our duo... which would add even more weight to them likely not being recognized by anyone but maybe the gangsters... who don't know them any more than they did Superman at the bank robbery. I keep coming back to the only reason *Clark Kent* is dead rather than 'dark haired guy got shot' is because Lois stayed and talked to the police...

Now, in a sequel, it would definitely be wise for Lois and Clark to be otherwise engaged whenever the clones get captured or any other situation where they'd have to meet them face to face as that could be awkward...

You know, another thing that always bugged me about this episode... *why* do the clones have their antecedent's memories? Both the 'arg' Lois-clone or the Vatman Clark-clone had to be *taught* to be their counterparts... what made Hamilton's clones different? Some weird soul transfer mumbo-jumbo since they were previously deceased? You'd think part of Hamilton's experiments would have been a 'Nature vs Nurture' thing to rule that out... then again the whole experiment seems more 'crack-pot' than 'proper scientific inquiry' so maybe I should leave that angle well enough alone and just smile and nod =)

I've also been poking around the archives a bit, and Wendy Richards' "Only Superman" has at least some of these elements in it too.