Originally Posted by AntiKryptonite
Wow, DC, you really captured Luthor's narcissism and arrogance here -- the thing that I find intriguing about Luthor is that he thinks he can think his way to victory over anything and everything, and that is certainly at play here. It was, frankly, disturbing, which means that you've done something right, because Lex Luthor IS a disturbing extreme! So well-written, but ugh, I feel like I have to go take a shower now!

AntiK is here! hyper

Glad you liked it. It was a bear to write, let me tell you! Lex is so slimy. I had to go off the ego angle - it was the easiest way to write this. It's fun watching him try to outthink Superman, isn't it? Because he does often come close, but it's always the little details that are "beneath him" in a way, that trip him up and cause his downfall.

I love that you found it disturbing. It was totally meant to be! wink

<hands you Purell hand lotion to clean off with>

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon