New story!

MUSE: <cracks whip> Back to work, slave!
ME: Yes, ma'am. Right away.

Funny thing, that…I once watched a documentary of histories bad persons and their psychological deficiencies and I think Lex reminded me much more of Nero instead of Julius Caesar. Or was it Caligula… Either way, Lex certainly has several issues that would require medical treatment, therapy, *and* a padded room with a locked door.

LEX: Caligula you say? <thinks about it, takes it one step further, uses all Lois clones>

CAT: I *knew* there was a reason why Lois wants to marry him.

<Spits drink, washes computer screen>

Did he also have them buy illegal substances at parties and repurpose his female classmates for significantly less than legal purposes, sometimes even gaining blackmail material on the teachers from their activities?

LEX: <smiles winningly, changes subject>

NOR: Ooooh! Thank you for consolidating my new planet for me. You may leave now through the sewage exit.

LEX: <produces hunk of Kryptonite>

Actually, in most tales about Arthur was handed Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake. The sword from the stone has been a different one. But I guess likes the version where he had to take his destiny better than the one where it is handed to him.

Definitely. It's less fun to him if he doesn't do it himself.

But wouldn’t it be nice if his suit was spread underneath the wedding sheets and then, in the morning, Lois would find it?
LOIS: jawdrop Lex? You…Superman…You are *Superman*!

LEX: All my lovers have certainly thought so.

That’s not true. There will always be fish markets and bird cages and homeless people.

And puppies to housebreak.

He hopes that one day he’ll be able to score with her, if only he keeps romancing her?

LEX: See? I'm doing the world a favor by getting rid of his xenophilia tendencies.

Vicki, you make Lex sound like he’s not a very nice person.

I know! It's almost like he's a super villain or something!

Thanks for reading!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon