New story!
Summary: With Superman trapped in a deadly Kryptonite cage, Lex Luthor reflects before his impending marriage to Lois Lane.
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6. I will not gloat over my enemies' predicament before killing them.

8. After I kidnap the beautiful princess, we will be married immediately in a quiet civil ceremony, not a lavish spectacle in three weeks' time during which the final phase of my plan will be carried out.
Famous words, from the great Julius Caesar himself, a sort of role model of mine.
Funny thing, that…I once watched a documentary of histories bad persons and their psychological deficiencies and I think Lex reminded me much more of Nero instead of Julius Caesar. Or was it Caligula… Either way, Lex certainly has several issues that would require medical treatment, therapy, *and* a padded room with a locked door.

You see, I've never been your average man.
CAT: I *knew* there was a reason why Lois wants to marry him.

And, best of all, I was so good at what I did, I was always able to make everyone believe that it was their ideas, not mine.
Did he also have them buy illegal substances at parties and repurpose his female classmates for significantly less than legal purposes, sometimes even gaining blackmail material on the teachers from their activities?

And, like all intoxicating things, I was drawn to gathering as much as I could.
Maybe, had he partook more frequently in intoxicating substances, life would have been much less…stressful for Superman. OTOH, there might not have been a Superman with Lex Luthor being in power.

My very name should be branded across the universe!
NOR: Ooooh! Thank you for consolidating my new planet for me. You may leave now through the sewage exit.

Like the legendary Arthur, I had to grab hold of my destiny and pull Excalibur from the stone myself.
Actually, in most tales about Arthur was handed Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake. The sword from the stone has been a different one. But I guess likes the version where he had to take his destiny better than the one where it is handed to him.

Soon, even governments will depend on my products to survive. I will be mankind's savior. Not some outcast extraterrestrial.
SHRINK: So, Mr. Luthor, and who gave you that idea?
LEX: God did!
ONE BED OVER in the psych ward: I did no such thing!

Lois must never know that her flawed hero died at my hands.
But wouldn’t it be nice if his suit was spread underneath the wedding sheets and then, in the morning, Lois would find it?
LOIS: jawdrop Lex? You…Superman…You are *Superman*!

The days of printed journalism are numbered.
That’s not true. There will always be fish markets and bird cages and homeless people.

One of the world's greatest reporters - married to the head of Intergang, and never the wiser!
BILL CHURCH: Who does he think sicked Perry White on my boss's tail?

What else can explain the way he constantly used to materialize at her side? Why else would he constantly give her exclusives for the paper?
He hopes that one day he’ll be able to score with her, if only he keeps romancing her?

it's always been clear to anyone with eyes and half a functioning brain that he is completely smitten with her.
LOIS: [Linked Image]

Why would he put himself through the torment of watching Lois bind herself to the superior - in every way - man?
CLARK: No, that’s not it.

Oh yes. I came. I saw. And I conquered...everything.
Several hours later…
LEX: Et tu, Lois?

Vicki, you make Lex sound like he’s not a very nice person.

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.