Hi Vicki!
Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Planet, world-renowned newspaper, Perry White, is in possession of the world's biggest story.
Lois Lane is going to dump Lex Luthor?

When did I first know?

I mean really know, beyond a shadow of a doubt?
When he heard about how she kissed Superman on the airport.

When did I first have to make one of the hardest decisions I've ever been faced with?
When he resigned from the Daily Planet.

From the beginning.

The night was already abuzz with expectation and anticipation.
The White Orchid Ball.

It's even rarer still for there to be children aboard, whole families, ready to brave the dark, cold, uncertainty of space.
[Linked Image]

each of them either displaying a migrating Daily Planet logo or that God-forsaken endless maze that was all the rage back then.
And what about Cat’s dancing muscle men?

I roared at my staff to find out just what in Elvis' good name had happened.
A Lois got into the wiring.
CLARK: I’ve *tried* to teach her computers, but it is no use.

But then we heard the newscasters reporting on the same delusion I was seeing. There really was a man in some kind of clinging, skin-tight suit, flying through the air as though it was the most natural thing in all the world.
David Copperfield?

We all watched in awe as the man - at least, he appeared to be a man -
LOIS: drool *)

*) Yep, he’s a man, all right!

No tell-tale streak of fire burned in the night to mark his trail. No rumble of noise gave evidence to the shuttle's passing.
Didn’t have beans that day, huh?

I was more worried for her, and angry too, since I'd nearly lost my best reporter to years among the stars.
Unpaid leave, huh?

You know, I just realized he took the shuttle up there with the boosters and the tank. Aside from that being dangerous for the station, it’s terribly wasteful. Would have been far better to just burn through the connecting struts and take only the shuttle.

And, even though he'd saved the entire EPRAD mission from being scrubbed into non-existence, I worried about Lois.
Would he take a native female as payment for the services rendered?

And I wondered, if he could fly and lift impossible amounts of weight and digest explosives...what else could he do?
Carry a pregnant Lois and digest food prepared by Lois on the stove.

So long as he didn't suspect that I knew the truth, I could trust him to keep bringing in other Superman stories. And, I wagered, he would likely go out of his way to give the Planet exclusives, if he had any shred of loyalty to his place of employment.

He also keeps Lois safe. That was always the biggest draw for me. I could usually breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that he was with Lois, especially on the most dangerous of assignments and investigations.

Unless, well....unless Clark is God's most elite angel. And honestly, sometimes I'm certain that's the case.
I always thought that angels had more…pure intentions.

Either he's so good-hearted and naive as to believe that no one other than Lois knows his secret, or he's perfected the art of remaining calm and maintaining an air of total ignorance to any and all hints at what he does in his spare time.
Yep, he never raises the bait when Lois tries to be naughty during the workday.

when I've thought of their story as being right up there with the timeless, classic tales we all know and love.
Romeo and Juliet. Odysseus, in the version where he doesn’t get home to Ithaca. Oedipus and his wife/mother. Hamlet and Ophelia. Anakin and Padme. Jamie and Cersei. Marcus Antonius and Cleopatra.

It's been the greatest joy of my life.
Awwwwww…Perry’s a fun juxtaposition between Clark and the Planet. clap

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.