Originally Posted by VirginiaR
I like the idea of Perry writing up editorials, just in case. And then burning them when it turned out that they weren't needed. A Very Perry thing to do. Oh, dear! What if Clark hadn't broken out of the Lakes' trap in time?! eek

I've always thought that if ever Superman were to give away his true identity, it would be from the way he looks at Lois in just the same 'I'm so in love' expression as Clark. Great that Perry caught it from moment one and has been debating the relevance of his editorial discretion ever since. Even better that he figured it out before Lois. He is the old news hound after all.

Thanks, Virginia! The image of Perry writing up articles on Clark/Superman was a very strong image to me, once I decided to write this. You have to wonder what he was contemplating writing during the TOGoM events!

I agree - Clark isn't very good at hiding his feelings toward Lois, regardless of the suit he was wearing. Which is how he wound up getting himself into the "triangle" of Lois, Clark, and Superman...

I firmly believe that Perry knew WAY before Lois ever started to even question Clark's little quirks/disappearances.

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon