Originally Posted by scifiJoan
Guess AntiKryptonite's "Newsworthy" has us all thinking about the consequences of newspeople learning about Superman secret identity. You've done a great job capturing Perry's voice. I can see him writing and re-writing his editorials to argue for Superman when he's in trouble. The struggle Perry has regarding what to do with what he knows rings so true. I like the idea that he knew from the start. He's a newsman - he's observant.

This made me laugh:

No tell-tale streak of fire burned in the night to mark his trail.

Sounds like you were following the discussion about the new Supergirl too!

Nice job!


I agree. AntiK's been making a lot of us think. I actually started this one when the title popped into my head, and built the story from there. I've always thought that Perry was in on the secret, and that some of what he did/said was actually dropped hints to Clark.

I actually have not followed the Supergirl discussion though. I just thought back to all those videos out there of the shuttles lifting off and the trail of fire in the sky.

Thanks for reading!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon