A Star Wars / L&C Crossover Challenge... A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, Jar Jar Binks did something really dumb that wound up destroying the entire galaxy. He was the lone survivor of that explosion, and managed to find his way to earth. Once he arrived, the person who thinks himself to be Krypton's lone survivor* rushed to meet him. What happens next? peep peep

*This takes place in season one, so the New Kryptonians are not yet known to Clark.


p.s., I don't really expect anyone to take me up on this challenge. I just couldn't resist having our favourite alien meet many people's least-favourite one. I actually think Jar Jar Binks is a good character... for a Saturday morning kids' show. He was just put in a movie where he completely did not fit in. But I'd bet three and four year olds would love him.