Awwww grin...

Honestly, I really enjoyed this chapter...a LOT. The banter was so much them...that playful back and forth that is so fun to read. I love how that even though so much of the situation is different, you managed to find 'that' element, and really make it sing out. They get along so well, play off each other in such an amazing way. You can see the friendship in their relationship. You've done a spectacular job of finding their souls, connecting L&C into this really unique story clap.

The happier I see them, the more in love they are falling, the more nervous I get for life to return to normal. They won't be able to hide the love that shines so clearly in their eyes, I'm afraid... love.

Great job!

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~