Thanks for the encouragement, Lara! It's been a lot of fun trying to balance all that! I'm still not super happy with introspection levels throughout, but hopefully it won't be obnoxious amounts, and I sorta feel like you have to have some introspection to force that character development. Necessary evils and all that
Sure it is. But, as the saying goes, "dosis facit venenum". (I hope I got the word endings right - it's been a while, really.) Up to now, you seem to balance things quite well, and I really like how you came up with a way of "indirect introspection", for example by alluding to Clark's writing, but without putting down every letter of it. laugh That part really is brilliant IMHO.

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)