I'm really enjoying this story smile...

But, boy oh boy, Clark and Lois have GOT to talk! Clark's indifference--which is starting to drive Lois crazy--is really getting wonderfully frustrating to me, too. He needs to tell her what he feels, how much hurt he's carrying, how much trust he has lost in her/their friendship.

One thing I love about Clark, especially early in the series, is how he calls Lois out. He doesn't let her get away with treating him like she treats everyone else. He stands his ground, gives everything back to her. He's wonderfully sweet, but throws in sarcasm, his opinion, also. You can really tell how broken this Clark is now...his short responses, his deferral to let her plan their investigation, his lack of personality around her. He's so much not himself.

Lois is the one I tend to worry about normally--because Clark is so much a rock for her to lean on. Lois has been through a lot, and is going through a lot currently, but I really hope she can step away from her situation a bit. Make Clark talk to her, get him to open up. Recognize that he's hurting, too.

Because I think once Clark starts to come around, he'll bring Lois 'back' with him wink.

Loving this!

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~