Originally Posted by Darth Michael
ER: Is that the one where they put the toxic material into?
EW: No. That's by Clark's desk.
ER: Like fresh fruit and stuff?
LOIS: /Agrees emphatically/
CLARK: Well, if this dimension would go all organic as we did in my old dimension, fruit and veggies wouldn't be made of toxic materials.

ER: Lois saw a Fudge Castle open at 8 in the morning and Clark didn’t want to be late in the office?
EW: /quite entertained/ I meant a different kind of emergency, but that works. /likes to poke fun at Lois/
LOIS: /mad/ I’m so not ever going to have sex in this story. That will teach her to agree with the ER.
Wouldn't that just torture the ER more than the EW?

ER: He’s going to have fun, being married.
EW: Yes. But at least he'll have sex to go with all that fun.
ER: He’ll get sex even if he *doesn’t* apologize?
CLARK: They do realize that I don’t even *want* to sleep with Lois, right?
LOIS: I don’t think so. Wait, what now? /cat/
CLARK: Only right now. Tomorrow might be a better day.

“Is that my top reporter’s voice I hear?” boomed Perry, exiting from his office.
CLARK: Yes, Chief, I’m in the office.
EW: /tickled beyond measure/
ER: Thanks!
LOIS: Not. Funny. /channels Storm/
CLARK: /under his breath/ Not around Lois-say.

Jimbo swiped the Met Star from Lois’s recycling bin, and slipped
ER: The Star got a bit dirty in the bin.
EW: I do believe that there was more to that sentence.
ER: Yes. No, I was referring to the bit of dirt before the ‘and’ since the rest of the sentence can’t stand on its own.
Oh, is that a grammar rule? Hmmm. /envious, but not surprised, of D.Michael's better schooling in the English grammar department/.

ER: /shock/ Clark! Not out here! /eek/
CLARK: Oh, sorry. I thought I spoke as an aside. My bad.

Well, one can go to extreme lengths with the off-site backup.
Isn't 1994 pre-off site backup?

ER: And he also reviewed every file personally to make sure nothing got damaged, right?
EW: /doesn’t think Jimmy understands the concept of ‘privacy’ either/
JIMMY: What? It’s called full customer service.
PERRY: It's call being a reporter.
JIMMY: /beaming/

EW: So, too obvious of a joke?
ER: At a certain point, one starts to expect the evil.
Hmmmm. Time to change my M.O.

EW: You don't like Lois's new coffee mug? /I'm sure she had one laying around at her apartment somewhere./
ER: It just…seems so…not Lois?
LOIS: Hello? ‘LL’ vanity plates!
CLARK: Lois isn't vain. She just sees herself as better than everyone else.
LEX: [Linked Image]

ER: E-mail?
EW: Could they get email in space back in the early 90s?
ER: Meant the instructions on how to operate the electronic fax that contained the e-mail instructions got sent via e-mail.
But she's just sat down and hasn't accessed her email yet.

ER: She got a date with the Grim Reaper?
EW: I believe that's pronounced "Grim Reapress".
ER: She’s into girls?
LOIS: I believe the EW was referring to me.
CLARK: Lois is into girls? /jawdrop/ Herb! Heeeeeerb! Wrong universe!
Well, she did have a life of federal disaster relationships, that may have turned the tide.
LOIS: It didn't. I'd like men, if there are any in Metropolis left.

ER: /shocked that EW would have Cheryl commit suicide by reporter that way/
EW: What? I thought it was funny.
ER: Funny. Yes. Expected. No.
Adds point to EW's column.

HENDERSON: No, but I do have at least 5 witnesses. Strangely enough in a crowded newsroom with 50 people in it, only 5 people -- all new employees -- witnessed the event.
/next day/
DP Obit Section: 5 recent members of our DP family have died yesterday.
LOIS: They should have known better than to cross Mad Dog.
PERRY: Rabid dog more like it.

LOIS: He's Superman. He knows the name of every person in the building whether he wants to or not.
ER: Same reason she won’t get angry when he comes home with lipstick on his Superman costume?
LOIS: Yessssss. But if I find lipstick on his shirt collar, well…let’s just say I have a lead-covered box in the bedroom…
Yes, big difference if the lipstick is on Superman's collar vs. Clark's collar.

EW: In the Past Tense, since she obviously will no longer work in that position.
ER: What I wondered. Just did seem a tad far out there for Lois to wield that much power. Also, wasn’t sure if she would have Ari terminated or terminated permanently.
She was referring to the woman who made fun of Lois's computer skills (or lack thereof).
CLARK: Also, Lois doesn't kill.

the charges dropped/
EW: I'm sure in some dimension somewhere, Lois and Lex lived happily ever after. Just not in any of my stories... well... not yet, at least.
LOIS: /eek/
LEX: /clap/
CLARK: /help/

EW: Not if she was a really good passive aggressive.
ER: She could fall down some stairs?
CLARK: Again, Lois doesn't kill people. Why doesn't anyone believe me?
DP STAFF: [Linked Image]

ER: I wonder if she should maybe talk to a shrink.
EW: Well, Mayson did give her the name of a good one..
ER: She did?
Yes, Mayson gave Lois Dr. Friskin's number. The good doctor helped a friend of Mayson get rid of her Batman obsession.
LOIS: Friend, huh?

EW: Since Stern OWNS the company, probably not. Unless she could prove it was a breech of their contract.
ER: Betcha she’ll have a more favorable contract set up the next time she gets and engaged and then leaves a wealthy sociopath who buys her workplace?
BRUCE: /The Gotham Gazette is all full, Ms. Lane, and not hiring soon. Thank you for your interest, though/

EW: It depends on what you mean by paranoia.
ER: Lois thinking people are out to get her just because they try to get her.
So, technically, she's not paranoid. People are really out to get her.

ER: What…? What…? How…? But… Madame Ex…? Does this mean Clark will meet his new love interest before Part 200?
MAYSON: /wave/
EW: Times, they are a changing...
ER: Considering what I’ve read in pt. 200, things should be interesting… /evil/
I should hope so.

EW: Actually, in this story, Lex truly loved Ari. He just wanted more of a Brenda in the sack than an Ari.
ER: He did? And Lois was both, huh? Sexually adventurous in the bedroom and a bitca in the living room?
LOIS: How would he know?
EW: Actually, it was more that Superman wanted her, so Lex was determine to come between them and make Superman suffer.
LOIS: I think I was just insulted.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.