Originally Posted by Mike M
It may not be everyone's idea of a great story but I really liked it.
Thanks, Mike. And it seems that it actually is everyone's idea of a ... well, an okay story.

I liked all three endings. The ending you posted, I mean after all this Clark would want to emotionally punish himself for the next 80 years or so right? On the other hand there was something even more compelling with your original ending (the hidden one) as it fit the story theme better.
I do agree, that this is (kind of) the correct ending, but I couldn't do it, in the end. Guess there is still KK WAFF in there somewhere.

The story was very melancholy. Lois' story was sad but she led a long life with family who loved her very much.
Glad that came across. Don't feel too sorry for her. Yes, she missed out on Clark, but she still had a great life.

Clark's solitary life was of his own making so I had a bit more of a problem feeling sorry for him.
Oh yeah. He took the solitary, martyr hero a bit too far in this.

I mean after his folks were gone (they could no longer be targets) Clark could have gone to Lois and explained everything but he chose himself not to do that (too stubborn or too scared it is hard to tell).
More like ... too much time had passed to bother trying to sort it all out.

In the end your story described two lonely people who could have solved their loneliness with a simple call or visit from either side. You basically took their muleheadedness from the series and amped it up quite a bit. That said I guess when you look back on canon it should be considered a miracle that they ever got together considering all the times their stubbornness and fear got in the way and they nearly went down the path you described in this story.
You could be right.

One thing that I ponder in stories like this is why is Clark still so adamant about keeping the secret? Parents are gone, Lois and just about all of his friends are gone. Why bother? Why not come out and live a "normal" life or at least take on another identity? Why be Superman full time? I guess this Clark is basically masochistic in his core...
Conversely ... with all those people gone ... who was there that he would want to have a life with? No friends, no family and no 'girl'. Why bother to create an identity and a life but still be alone? May as well just continue to be Superman.

Finally, this must be "Let keep Lois and Clark apart for a long time" month with this story and DC's "Make Love, Not Warcraft" last week...

When I read DC's story I was shocked that she managed to keep them apart for 15 years. But then, inside, I was going ... "But you haven't seen how long I'm going to keep them apart in my next fic." grin

Originally Posted by HiddenMoon
Clark suddenly awoke to the sound of chickens in the yard.
Chickens in the yard. KEN, YOU WON!!! rotflol
I guess we have another sucker for happy endings here, huh? wink
Oh he is. He fought with me on this, convinced that no-one would accept my choice of ending. I think that's due to the fact that everyone expects WAFF from me.

Anyway, I personally prefer the one in the definitive version, I think you got it right... Way to go, KK! smile
(And now... Where are my tissues? Sniff...) mecry
Thank you.

Originally Posted by LMA
Sad, emotional, bittersweet. SO heartfelt. Wow--can I borrow a tissue, HiddenMoon? mecry
Sorry, no tissues allowed. You have to cry freely for all to see ... smile

I really enjoyed this piece, KK. I am definitely more of the 'happily ever after' type--hence, Ken's ending does have great appeal clap--BUT...I agree with your final choice. Overall, I think how the story reads now would be my preference.
Yay. Thanks. Even a die-hard 'happily ever after' likes my ending.

I come away from reading with such a feeling of missed opportunity. So much time with everything left unspoken. Two heartbroken people, blinded by all of the chances they never took. It was very easy to feel the loneliness of their lives--and the regret.
mecry very sad.

Lois' letter gave Clark (or I guess Superman) a link to reality. I'm so glad that he knows the truth about how Lois had always felt. He can now live the rest of his life knowing that she loved him as much as he will continue to love her. There's pain in knowing that, I know, but there's also so much value.
You are correct. I wanted there to be a little bit of comfort in knowing that Lois loved him, but that she also respected and accepted his decision to be Superman and devote himself to the world.

Very much loved the story, KK. Wonderful job notworthy .
Thank you

Originally Posted by groobie
Very powerful - so emotional! I can imagine why Lois would keep writing the letters, but then immediately destroy them...after so many years, where do you even begin to hold this conversation? I actually thought it was going to end like your first ending - there's a finality to it. The story feels more substantial without a happy ending, though keeping the letter gives just a glimmer of hope, a tangible reminder than he has something to hold onto.
That's what I hoped for, thanks.

Not to bring up yet another discussion about deathfic, but I actually wasn't bothered by it in this case. I've thought about why all day and have concluded that it's because, in the story, she's been presented as dead from the very beginning. When she starts out alive, I hold onto the hope for a miracle or a happy ending where she lives, and them I'm sad when she doesn't. Here, I could just focus on the story from a hopeless position already, which made me feel more for the struggle of both characters. So, kudos to you! clap

Originally Posted by Annie B.
What a beautiful, bittersweet story. Clark should have come clean to Lois (or she should have told him that she knew). He could have made another identity in order to have a life with her, or even had a life with her as Superman.
She said as much in the letter. She would have gone anywhere and become anyone just to be with him. But she also didn't want to approach him, or push him, as he'd made his position clear by becoming Superman full time.

This story was a real tearjerker. I just wish I hadn't read it at work. mecry
Awww, sorry.

Originally Posted by Deadly Chakram
It had been over half a century since their last conversation of a personal nature.

Aaaaand here's the first dagger to my heart.
There will be more, sorry.

Why he was required at this … proceeding …

You're thinking ... Bar Mitsvah?

standing in the plush office, surrounded by strangers … all in black.

<Heart sinks> She's dead, isn't she?

They found a way though: it was bequeathed to the Superman Foundation.

Gotta love how smart they are.
Oh yeah

There, the Last Will and Testament would be read out of one Lois Joanne Lane.

Ah, my second guess. My first was the funeral.
Yup, that's already happened ... off screen.


She knew. Clark, you idiot, you wasted your chance at happiness.
Of course. And I kind of just imagined you doing a Gibbs Slap on Clark during that sentence.

I admit that I purposefully put myself into trouble sometimes just to see you.

LOL! I'll bet!

The loss of my best friend has stayed with me every day since.

<reaches for tissues>
Sorry, I think we are out ... too many other readers have already taken them.

Beautiful and heart wrenching story! I'm fighting a huge lump in my throat right now, seriously. Well done!
Thank you.

Of the three endings, I don't like the one where he burns the letter. It's too out of character for him to destroy something, anything, that was connected to Lois, especially if it reminded him of her love, no matter how hard the reminder might be.
One of the reasons why I didn't go with it ... even though - in some ways - it fits the mood of the story better.

The farmhouse one - that's what I kept hoping for...that he was being given a glimpse into how much his life would suck if he didn't figure out how to resurrect Clark.
Yeah, I think lots of people were. Ken especially grin. But I personally felt that it would cheapen the rest of the fic to make it all a dream.

(Though the aging thing would be off canon then...he didn't know about that until BY, which was after TOGoM.)
Yup, that would mean that he also happened to be psychic then, if he had this dream in TOGOM.

Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Unlike everyone else, I thought that it was someone else's funeral and that Clark would see Lois and they would finally confess their love.
Sorry, no such luck.

I suspected it was Perry's funeral and the letter was from him, telling Clark he's being a lunkhead for letting a little thing like death to keep him from his one true love. Elvis wouldn't have done it! So, needless to say, I was a bit shocked and saddened to see it was Lois's will reading. mecry
Sorry. Dashed your hopes there.

Then, I hoped that she had figured out the truth and faked her death, so that 'in death' she and Clark could finally be together and live. Alas, that too wasn't so. Sigh.
Still dashing your hopes, sorry.

Lois was truly dead and she knew Clark's secret. Instead of somehow finding a way to break the silence they both ended up living alone in their misery. Then, when we arrived to the ghost scene I began to hope that maybe YES Lois was still alive! Alas, no.
And once again with the hope dashing!

Then, I thought, is Superman going to die there, having read Lois's letter and unable to go on without her soul there to be with him. Would ghostly Superman fly off with ghostly Lois to finally be together in ghostly Utopia?
I'm still at it. Sorry. Any more hopes for me to dash?

No matter how hard I tried, you were determined to keep Lois dead, KK, and Lois and Clark apart. [Linked Image]
Yup. I was!

While Ken's alt-ending did give us the possibility of the happily ever after we all longed for, there was something missing. It was *too* neatly tied up in a bow, having been a dream. I also agree with groobie. It would have been out of Clark's character to destroy Lois's admission of love. Understandable, given the way he was feeling, but I couldn't see him do it.
I agree too. Well, duh! I chose that ending!

I agree you chose the correct ending. Will Clark be able to move on now and find love? Will he, as he did in the Home Series, find Lois's reincarnated self (20 years later)?
Um ... *whistles innocently*

Beautifully written. Very sad though. Do you have another one of your romantic vignettes to turn our smiles up-side-down? (see, I can do cliche's too!)
Not sure ... something I'm working on now ... is more WAFFy, but still has sad bits ... um, you'll have to wait and see.

Originally Posted by scifiJoan
A sad story but a good one. When you described the gun shots, at first I thought that was Lois getting shot. Your story emphasizes what we've known all along - that Superman needs Clark Kent, that he's not complete without him.
Absolutely. But somehow he's managed to live into his 80s as Superman, plodding away, without realising this ... until this letter came along.

It's sad that Lois and Clark would be so stubborn for so long but life sometimes happens that way.
Unfortunately it can be, yes.

I like the ending that you went with.


Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."