Originally Posted by Annie B.
I don't know much about World of Warcraft, or any games (except Pacman), but you obviously do, and this was a great story.

What was his name again? Clark asked himself. He ransacked his brain for a few moments. Sanderson? Scarab? Scarface? Sardine? No, wait. It was Scardino.
This part made me laugh. grin

Thank you, Annie. I've been a gamer basically since birth. I barely even remember getting my first Nintendo, I was so young, and before that, my family actually had a working Atari system. My husband got me into WoW a few months after we got engaged and we've been playing ever since (minus an 18 month hiatus starting just before the girls were born - and that was due to lack of time, more than anything else).

Glad the Scardino part made you laugh!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon