Wow, DC notworthy clap notworthy...This was fantastic! Awesome! Amazing!

I don't game whatsoever...seriously, I think the last of any type of game I played was some 'Super Mario Bros. Something' that my sister and I rented from a video store (along with the gaming system) prior to L&C first airing blush. But anyway, despite being very out of the loop for the subject, it was a breeze following along. Thank you, though, for the pictures of Lois and Clark's characters. I was imagining something somewhat close, based on your story descriptions, but the visual was a nice confirmation.

I really loved the feel of the piece--you had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. So much angst, so much unrequited love. Fifteen years! And to think, both felt that way towards each other the entire time shock mecry wallbash. That do-or-die feeling, as we teeter on the edge of 'will she or won't she' (let Clark back into her life)--I really liked that. The momentum...of everything being at stake for Clark. And also throughout the story, such a feeling of raw pain--from Lois, who was left with so many questions. But, I guess, also from Clark and his loss during those years.

As 'into' the story as I was, I'm very thankful for it being a one-parter sloppy. It would have been painful waiting a week/etc to know if Clark and Lois would end up together.

Fully and completely impressed with the story, and your talent, DC. What a lovely highlight to my day hyper.

Last edited by LMA; 05/06/15 08:25 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~