HENDERSON: <does not believe in the same code of justice as the rich and powerful do>
ER: I’m not sure he’d fit in with the Gotham crowd.
EW: Lex or Henderson?
LOIS: They can have Lex, but we'll keep Henderson here in Metropolis.
BRUCE: /sarcastically/ Gee, isn't she a sweetie?
CLARK: See, I told you you'd like her.
BRUCE: <I never should have done that prank with Kryponite/-enhanced weed last Halloween. Ivy did mention potential brain damage>
No, Henderson. They do things rather off the book in Gotham when Bruce was still a sprout of 14 and living with an older gentleman.

Apparently, it didn't work with Riply either since they were still able to clone her after that.

I'm amazed I've made it this long without posting something. /starts to get the shakes/ Perhaps I should continue writing, so I can post again. (currently working on Part 200)
Um…[Linked Image]

ER: Well, they established her being the Ice Queen in Season 1, so…
EW: So, the whole freezing theme was just a bad joke that went on toooooooooo long?
Ooooooh! That’s funny! [Linked Image]
LOIS: [Linked Image]

LOIS: Wait! Who did I win again?
LOIS: Allen?
ER: Superman imposter.
BARRY: I’m almost as quick as the Flash!

Good point. Perhaps Clark didn't know if Lex had Heller remove the scarring from her arm.
Would Lois allow that?
LEX: Would I care? It’s not like she’d use a knife to carve a new scar if I took the old one.
NIGEL: I’ll remove the knives.

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.