Hi Michael,

Thanks for your note. I envision the narrator to still be in high school. Who says that high school students don't use the library for their studies? Admittedly, with the rise of the Internet, it is becoming much rarer now even for college students to do so, but I can't see any child of Lane and Kent not using all of the research materials at her disposal.
Never heard about a compass, has she?
A compass would only help if she knew which direction she needed to go. Now, if she were trying to find the comic book Clark's Fortress of Solitude, a compass would at least get her in the general vicinity.

VOICE of Master Luwin: One half of a league east as the raven flies.
huh (Quick online search...) Ah. I haven't gotten into Thrones. That series is on my "give a try" list for when I retire and finally have time to sit down for more than ten minutes at a stretch.

CLARK: Also, moss always grows on the northern side of the antenna on the sky scrapers.
rotflol I'd love to have sat in on one of his boy scout meetings. (Of course, if Lois had done so, it would have made Tank happy, since she would have needed to get a haircut as part of her disguise to blend in. At least, she would have had to in one of his story. We'll just ignore the opening scene of the pilot for now.)

So long as she doesn’t mention that it’s not like this year’s any different from last year, what with Lois being the runner up and Clark taking home the Kerth
If she survived this long, she must have some sense of self-preservation, even if she lacks some other senses (common sense, horse sense, not to mention a sense of direction).

Don’t they usually put the more prestigious categories at the end?
Yup. But I imagine they have some sort of closing ceremony afterward. (The "I imagine" in that last sentence gives you an idea of how often I watch any sort of awards ceremony.)

Maybe the little one shouldn’t mention that term out loud.
See earlier comment re: self-preservation. wink

LITTLE ONE: Like Red Kryptonite?
You do come up with the most humorous and appropriate graemlins/emoji/whatchamacallems.

Umm…sorry for making the FDK longer than the story?
No apologies are ever necessary for feedback. The more, the better. smile

As for the gown-sitting: This might also be unfortunate in terms of potential for exposure.
Yup. That thought had crossed my mind, as well, but since I don't write nfic, I thought I'd omit that little detail.

And Clark probably never had to face that problem.
I should hope not, although see Virginia's earlier comments.

Say, Lynn, is there any chance for sequels in this universe?
I'm honoured that you asked. If my muse agrees, I'm always amenable to writing sequels. Unfortunately, she is rarely into them. I've a feeling that the narrator of this story will probably bribe my muse not to have a sequel, since any such story would likely deal with the consequences of her flighty actions. If she avoids a sequel, she can dodge the grounding that it would contain.

Thanks again for leaving such detailed (and, as always, humorous) feedback.
