Just joking. Prostitution is still illegal in alt-Metropolis.
TEMPUS: /makes note/ Will need to do something about that now that the gun-thing is under control.

EW: <plays innocent> Um... so that joke has run it's course? Twist time! <shows her true colors> No, not really. Just joking.
confused What does a blue line and a purple line mean on the stick?
SAM: That the little one’s half-Kryptonian. The new pregnancy test is all the rage now with Superman flying around.

Oh, dear. Maybe I should make the next section more serious, angsty, and dramatic. wink Or the opposite. One of the two.
You can do angsty and serious? confused

CLARK: I plead the... Now, wait a minute, Lois.
LOIS: <considers getting herself an ‘I’m-with-stupid’ shirt>

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.