“You came drunk to my apartment in the middle of the night to talk to my wife, who… let’s just get it out there… has a little bit of a crush on you… on a night when you knew I was away from home.
Sounds like it’s suspicious.
CAT: [Linked Image]
Anyway, on the plus side, Clark’s vulnerable and Phil’s used to lifting Xerox machines, so…

You were depressed by something that Lois did and wanted some comfort, isn’t that right? What exactly did you think would happen, Kent?”
CLARK: [Linked Image] My buddies in highschool usually threw up all over the floor.

Are you saying that you would’ve been able to refuse Cat last night?
Well…he did touch her…where he kissed Rachel.

Had she given you one iota of an opening, are you saying that you would have been able to stop yourself from kissing her… or… or… worse?” he stammered, his face paling.
CAT: [Linked Image]

“She did tell me that,” Phil said, motioning to the door with his head. “She went out to meet some guy.”
CAT: My friend’s divorce attorney’s a guy.

Cat didn’t interest Clark like that, but he vaguely remembered a sharp ache in his chest as if his heart had broken and Cat holding him as he cried. He swallowed, flipping open Cat’s note to read it.
Well, she loves him like a brother.
CANON LOIS: I do, too!

Cat isn’t thinking like a woman who’s carrying precious cargo. She’s thinking like a reporter out to get the story of a lifetime!
Well…she sounds like a Lois. Huh… Lois is apparently fornicating with the devil and Cat is trolling after Clark and carrying his love child… [Linked Image]

You chose to spend your life with her. If you can’t love her for who she is now, you might as well leave, because she deserves to be treated better than that and trusted a whole heck of a lot more.”
LOIS: Funny, how stupid and blind Clark can be…

“You approve of her behavior?” Phil sputtered. “Do you even know… know… what lines she crossed to help you, yesterday?”
She…she…broke and entered?
LOIS: So…? confused

because you never know when something will happen to take it all away.”
Like Cat getting kidnapped by Bill Church Jr.?

“But, hey, it’ll never be boring, either.”
Plus, the neighbors two floors down tell me their sex is really good, apparently.

“But know I might not be up to speed for a while.”
He can still carry boxes, can’t he?
CLARK: I never knew moving is that much effort.

“You and me both,” Clark replied, shaking his hand. “Sometimes, I envy those men with boring lives.”

They exchanged a look; then, each shook his head and said at the same time, “Nah.”

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.