My thoughts can be summed up in one syllable: Awwww! love

If I felt more coherent, I'd write more; as it is, that I was able to focus enough to read this part is a tribute to your writing. I've been running a low on sleep lately, and the hemlock icing on the poisoned cake was receiving a highly illegal 2:30am scam robocall. (My credit card was allegedly temporarily locked; I was suppose to press 'one' to connect to a customer service representative. Yeah, right.)

I was surprised that it was Perry and not Jimmy who interrupted them. And I was even more surprised (pleasantly so) that the conversation went as smoothly as it did and that everything is out in the open now. Since there are more parts of the story yet, I am guessing that Lois will have second thoughts when the implications of CK=S sink in. But for now, at least, I'm glad that they have a moment of happiness, however long it lasts.
