Originally Posted by Mike M
In this incarnation a lot of chaos could be inserted in the next few parts. KK seems to have the scared/confused about love Lois and the just plain confused/lunkheadian Clark characterizations jacked up on steroids (to un paraphrase your story heading in Don't You Dare).
Are you saying that Lois is being more Lois-like and Clark is being more Clark-like. lol

Seriously though I look forward to each episode Victoria as each one seems to one step forward, two steps back their relationship.
rotflol Well, the earlier chapters definitely. The ones about to come ... maybe there will be true forward progress soon? whistle

While we all pretty much know where it is going, the fun is watching the two of them get there and of course how much collateral damage is done in the process.

Can't wait until Saturday!!

Collateral damage is a very appropriate phase considering the chapter!!!

Originally Posted by Lynn S. M.
He would tell her anyway.

That's good, especially if the "tell her anyway" includes both his feelings and his other identity.
It does! grin

It's time for comments.

It's time for the next part, right? grovel
Hmmm. I'll think about it.

I think part 13 will be especially interesting.

Well, I wouldn't describe it as interesting ... more ... frustrating and awwwwww.

Originally Posted by groobie
Ack! Clark, you moron, fly there right now and tell her!
He's considered flying over to see her before. But decided it wouldn't be fair to her, to ambush her in that way. He decided that familiar places would help her feel safe, so he needs to wait for her to return home.

Lol...great part, love the tension. Waiting impatiently for the next one!
Thanks. More tension to come. Only one more day to wait.

Originally Posted by LMA
Well...first off. Glad Lois is ok. Second...hmm. Had thought there might be a revelation, but there was not (though it sounds like Clark is very much on the verge smile ).
Yup, he's definitely decided to tell her. How soon will it happen?

Third, had thought that the scare of Lois almost getting hurt might get some conversation going btw them, but again, there was not (though so close, Lois is on the verge wink ).
Actually, she's not 'on the verge', she really decided to tell him too, when the ceiling was dropping on her! There wasn't really chance to 'talk' though. It WILL happen.

And fourth--really great part, KK!

I am really looking forward to these next few chapters. It seems like both of them are about 'there'--ready to be honest...about themselves, their feelings, what they are wanting and hoping to have with each other.
Took long enough, didn't it, but you knew it would come eventually.

Wondering if Lois is thinking she will need support from Superman when she tells Clark how she really feels? Is she worried that Clark won't be happy about her news--or not want to keep up the Pact?
Exactly. She has decided to tell Clark that she's in love with him, and she worries that the next few years will be difficult because she'll be in a marriage with someone that doesn't love her back. She's hoping that Superman will be someone she can talk to about the difficulties and emotions she will be facing.

So much misunderstanding
Isn't that the basis of all RomComs?

--with secret identities, with secret feelings, and with a Pact that means so much more than both have admitted to each other. I-Love-it! clap clap clap

Thanks grin

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."