Subject Title: Match found.
Height: 5’6
Features: Blonde hair, blue eyes.
Interests: Art, animals, decorating
Name: Jenny
Funny. Both their matches are blonde with blue eyes. Are they going to end up as the match of a double date? And are they the clones from the Clone-ARGH?

Resting back in her chair she smiled. Opera and fine dining. Sounds perfect. He’s possibly rich. Not that wealth is particularly important, or a guarantee of … anything.
So…she never dated Lex, then?

What if he's a ‘snob’? I want class, intelligence and refinement, but I don't want anyone who will act superior.
So…someone different from her?

Remembering her disastrous time dating Lex she suddenly got the feeling that Brian would be completely unsuitable. She leapt forward for her computer again but it was too late, her outbox was empty. Oh no, what have I got myself in to?
Well…according to canon and various fanfic, very likely some kidnapping situation or other.

Clark marched into the office knowing he had to confront her, even though part of him didn't want to. But it had to be done. She deserved whatever was coming to her.

“It was just rather convenient,”
Now…Clark! Lois would *never* lie to you.

“So, what did you do?” came a sudden question.


Lois shrugged and nodded to the stairwell, indicating the lower floors of the Daily Planet. “You and Suzie.”
Dangle from the chandeliers?

“Ahh, stupid pen.” Lois reached down to the floor searching for her missing item and that’s when Clark noticed something.
Huh…Could it…nah…

His eyes stayed honed on Lois as she sat back up, pen in hand. Her gaze came up to meet his and when he grinned, knowingly, she frowned. He nodded down a little and dropped his gaze to her chest. She glanced down and let out a sharp breath.
eek Clark! Did he buy her lingerie?

She dropped her pen again and scrambled for the simple heart necklace which was now dangling out of her blouse. Tucking it back inside she flicked her hair back with a snap of her head and turned back to her work obviously trying to ignore him.
Awwwww hyper

Clark spent the rest of the afternoon with the tiniest of smiles on his face. Nothing could make it drop, not even memories of the poor, nervous girl forced to spend an hour with him last night.
I just realized. What if Suzie was fresh from college and Lois set her up with this older guy. Who then apparently rejected her peep

She wiped her hand across her brow. Ok, Lane. Remember your uncle’s training. All’s fair in Love and War. No mercy for the enemy. Get the job done.
Yeah…I don’t think that’s how love works.

“So, what did you want to talk about that has me ringing you at precisely 7:05?” came Lucy’s voice.
laugh I wonder if they have an app for that by now.

Why did you hide it? It was a birthday present ... from your best friend. Why did you hide it, Lois? And why did you feel hugely embarrassed when he saw?
[Linked Image]

It’s okay. Everything will be okay once he’s dating. No more complications, no more worries about the stupid Pact. He just needs to like one of them.
Right. Not a problem. At all.

Important Note: (WHAM warning)
Oh dear. Vic! [Linked Image] I hope everything works out well and you’ll be okay again!

The FDK will be here when you get back smile1

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.