Nice pun...

Together, they quickly filled in more answers, each of them acknowledging the other's correct answers with a verbal word of approval, a smile, or a kiss. They were nearing the end, with only seven clues that hadn't been solved, when Clark's next heart attack hit. Panicked, Lois hit the call button to summon help.

Dr. Klein must have been right in the vicinity. Like a ninja, he appeared seemingly out of thin air. He checked Clark's vitals and his face immediately fell. He reached out and smashed the palm of his hand against a small, square red button which was set into the wall, calling a code blue for cardiac arrest.

Yep, the tension is ramping up.

Everyone will be going "poor Clark" but when he goes Code Blue he is out of it, totally unconscious . I always am thinking of Lois as she stands there watching her husband dying and not being able to do anything about it. Always a person of action it will be killing her not being able to do anything about it.


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham