Originally Posted by Mike M
Thanks! I was just curious as this thing was looking like a lifetime project and I was looking at the TOC and saw you were kind of following the series and then realized you were just passing the end of season 1... It just got me curious.
Mike, the story starts out with answering "what if Alt-Clark from S4 was dropped into Metropolis arriving at the same time canon Clark arrived", so it kind of needed to follow along the same plot points as S1. Things have shifted a bit, since he handles things differently than canon Clark does and it kind of has a ripple effect on some things.

I really don't mind spoilers as the real interest to me is the journey and I don't mind knowing where the journey ends which led me to my question, if it was EVER going to end wink.
It WILL end, someday. lol My stories are often about the journey.

God I just woke up a bit ago and saw your message and decided to respond and this has gotten out of hand. Time to go back to sleep
As I tell my hubby, it okay to turn your phone off at night. Sleep is important. (And then he replies, so why do you stay up half the night writing?)

Thanks again for all you do (and write).
Golly. Thanks, and you're welcome. [Linked Image] You're ever so kind. The thing with us writers is if we don't write it down, we'll just burst. So, it's less messy if we write. [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.