
Thanks! I was just curious as this thing was looking like a lifetime project and I was looking at the TOC and saw you were kind of following the series and then realized you were just passing the end of season 1... It just got me curious. I really don't mind spoilers as the real interest to me is the journey and I don't mind knowing where the journey ends which led me to my question, if it was EVER going to end wink. That and my discovery that I really get more reading done on the kindle app than the browser and wondering if thing was ever going to get to that stage. I am constantly amazed at people who can write the epics but sometimes also at the people who read them tired.

Anyway thanks for your response (in both places). It looks like around another year of this one but no worries re-doing the TOCs is giving a chance to find a huge number of stories I never read and so my reading list is growing everyday. And thanks again for your tip now that I can edit the TOC postings to put more of them in the finished column. The only real problem with the global replace is that I was finding the additional stories to read by hitting each part and picking up on the progress by reading quickly the "in the previous part" section and now I never get to that frown but we are getting through the TOCs faster anyway

God I just woke up a bit ago and saw your message and decided to respond and this has gotten out of hand. Time to go back to sleep

Thanks again for all you do (and write).


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham