The last DC stole sloppy seconds from Marvel, I believe it ended up looking somewhat like this...

[Linked Image]

Just saying.

^^Also, I second everything Virginia just said up there. laugh I hope the decision works out for the best, he's got a good sense for story and has done some great directing, I just don't see him as Batman.

Originally posted by VirginiaR:
It isn't a great way to save money either.
Oh, they're not worried too much about money, I'm sure. DC is really the only thing WB's got going for them right now. They're going to put all their eggs into this basket, then throw said basket off the top of a skyscraper and pray that it flies so they can actually make a Justice League film....

But kudos to them for at least having a plan! Somewhat....

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain