How do you guys do this stuff? Where are you getting the TBS clips?
Sorry, forgot to answer that. Ahm... how do we do it? I have every single episode on my computer, each one being about 360 mb. I upload the episodes I need into a program called Windows Movie Maker 2, and then I do all the editing in there. Extremely easy to use - even I managed to figure out everything in there on my own. wink

And as in TBS clips, you mean the episodes, right? Those I have downloaded from WinMX. There's a chat room called Lois & Clark there as well, so if you become a regular in there, do your part of the deal and share the episodes with others, people will prioritize you. And you'll get the episodes *much* easier and faster! smile

Lynn, on the other hand, is getting the episodes from her DVD-collection. She has to convert them into WMV-files before she uploads them into the computer, though. Also, that way, the program don't freeze when you're editing smile

Hope that answers your question.
And thanks for the very nice comments! smile1

Pelican smile

Such a little thing really, a kiss...most people don't give it a moment's consideration. They kiss on meeting, they kiss on parting, that simple touching of flesh is taken entirely for granted as a basic human right.

Susan Kay