<thud!> <----------Yvonne collapsing in an stunned heap on the floor.

Lynn, that was just amazing!!!! How did you know those were some of my favourites scenes from the show? And to use them so effectively to highlight the story...I'm totally in awe. Then there was the inspired way you depicted the Kryptonian war that altClark went through - using all those clips from the Kryptonian arc - and how you showed his nightmares at Lois and Clark's. All so clever and so very effective. Wow.

My only regret is that my trailers make it so abundantly clear that my stories are kind of...well...depressing. wink No-one ever seems to smile in the trailers <bg>.

But seriously, I'm really delighted with this, Lynn. Not to mention that you topped it off some music from Sting smile ))

Okay, I'll stop gushing now.


Okay, I'm really stopping now.

W...no, I'll shut up. Honestly.

Yeah, really.

You see, it was just so...

/me gags self.

Mph! Mph, mph, mph!
