First of all, I want to apologize to you all for being so late with the last one. Me and my "precious" little computer have just endured World War 3, and now we're both wounded, exhausted and just so mad with each other that I don't know whether to get myself as drunk as possible, take a bunch of sleeping pills or just eat way too much chocolate. razz I'll tell ya all later how it turned out. <g>

Anyway.. this has been one heck of a journey. When Lynn and I first decided to make trailers for all the Best Overall nominees and the nominees for Best New Author - I don't think either of us knew exactly what we were doing. <g> We had our share of panic, I'll tell you that, about how we were going to make it all in time, considering that eight exams and stomach flu were holding us back. And the cat fight with me and the computer. But, in the end, the list is complete.

And I'll be more than happy to do this next year as well!! dance It's been so much fun, and I've certainly learned a lot from this, so whatever went wrong this year, it won't happen again the next smile

I hope all of you have enjoyed watching these as much as I (and Lynn) have enjoyed making them.

And I also have to say thank-you to the authors who didn't fight me off with a stick whenever I had something to ask about. <g> Oh, and of course, to everyone on IRC, who have been such a great support and always encouraging us to keep going.

Pelican smile

Such a little thing really, a kiss...most people don't give it a moment's consideration. They kiss on meeting, they kiss on parting, that simple touching of flesh is taken entirely for granted as a basic human right.

Susan Kay