My name is not TOC.
rotflol Ah, dearest Ann. She’s always faithful.

And, well, since I work in a psych hospital, I couldn’t resist the Prozac answer.

'I fear my muse may have died and now I can't finish the 20 fics that I have started.'
Groan... Not 20 but I know how you feel. Mine did come back to visit for awhile but not for long.

I don’t think the board is dying and I don’t think it ever will.

I think part of the problem is that a lot of people lurk. If I hadn’t lurked so long, I might have realized that I actually worked with a person who is on this board. Go figure... (I don’t work with him now, but we worked in the same area. If I remember correctly, there were less than 30 of us.) But it might have been nice to come to work and say, “So how’s the story going? When are you going to post again?” (And by the way, when are you going to write another one? Yes, you know who you are. laugh )

Lara Joelle is without an internet connection except for at school. Maybe others have that problem...

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~