The boards aren't dead. Dead is when there isn't any cerebral activity. And OK, not all posts are highly cerebral, but there is activity.


I'm sorry, I couldn't help prove (once again) that I'm a huge geek.

This said... there's a ficathon about to start, on the dark side of the board. I think that's proof enough that we *are* doing something to generate posts.

(as for myself personally, though.. I've kinda been abducted by a man in black.. but y'all knew this already!)

ETA (now that I see Labby's post): I'm all for vidathons and themed challenges. Those are lots of fun. Notice that I've organized a few of those, myself, actually. Makes me wish people would join in more, though, instead of just sitting around and waiting for others to put some life back into the place. Ahem.

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies