Lois & Clark Forums

If you need the option 'other', post a reason of your own. smile
I beg to differ. This board is far from dead. It's a little quiet right now, but it usually is in the summer.

I concur with Nan. And I think there is an option missing: The boards aren't dead smile

I don't think the boards are dead - but they are occasionally really, really quiet.

I need an option for "I have hit the perfect storm of lurking/discouraged/uninspired/lazy/under deadline at work". sad
I don't think they're dead, but they've certainly been very quiet lately. I'm finding, for example, that I often have very little to do when updating TOCs, where once I was much busier. I don't think this is down to normal summer vacation quietness - it's been this way since the start of the year, before the Kerths, or even before that.

And when you think that there are roughly over 2,000 FoLCs who could be posting interesting and entertaining stuff.... wink

Having said that, I still enjoy making this my first stop of the day and am hoping that things pick up soon. Especially in fanfic and videos. I'm sure that FoLC talent isn't dead, so you guys need to show us more of it! Go on - give me more TOC work to do. You know you want to. goofy

LabRat smile
Hmm... I don't really fall in any of those categories.

I think part of it's summer and stuff.

And once I get some stuff back from Anna - I'm hoping to spend some time in the vid arena...

I personally think there should be an option of 'I fear my muse may have died and now I can't finish the 20 fics that I have started.' Cause that is why I haven't been posting any new stories as of late. That and real life keeps getting in the way...stupid life...
Well, I have moved to another fandom, but that doesn't mean I've left this one. smile

I choose the "I've been busy planning my wedding" option.
I'm one who does check these boards nearly every day and I've yet to come across a day when there isn't something new posted. It isn't always alot, but there is ususally something to look at.

Also, consider, we currently have some pretty impressive stories being posted currently.

Things may be a bit slow, but we're hardly in our death throes.

Tank (who has seen the cycles before and knows that eventually all things must come to an end, but doesn't think that we're close to that yet)
I don't think this board is dying. There are new stories popping up on the boards all the time. I know it isn't the same amount as several years ago, but we still have new stories.

Sue if it will help your muse, I just reread all of your stories while I was recovering from a hidious summer cold. I was blown away by Platonic and Faustian Bargain. Give your muse some chocolate and send her back to work. I loved everything I read.

Maybe a contest for the gfic board like the nfic board had in smut month?
Obviously they're not dead dead. But they certainly are 'without vitality, spirit, enthusiasm, or the like; lacking the customary activity; dull; inactive', etc.

I agree with Labby. Someone said earlier this year that the boards were quite because it was Kerth time, before that it was Christmas, before that something else. There's more to it than it just being summer or whatever. A year ago far more was going on. Yes, people still post stories, but nowhere as many. Remember the drought on the nfic boards? Now that NSM is over and Michael's stories are nearing an end I fear we'll be in for another quiet period. Let's hope not. Makes me sad.

For those of you who do post regularly, keep it up. smile
Originally posted by GuineaPants:
I personally think there should be an option of 'I fear my muse may have died and now I can't finish the 20 fics that I have started.' Cause that is why I haven't been posting any new stories as of late. That and real life keeps getting in the way...stupid life...
Ditto. And, these boards ar not kead, tyhe afre just lseeping...

Sick jamse.
Remember the drought on the nfic boards? Now that NSM is over and Michael's stories are nearing an end I fear we'll be in for another quiet period.
Yes, nfic was quiet for quite a spell and then we got a new influx of members and writers who revived things. Added to a host of ficathon and themed challenges, it's been probably the most active folder for the past few months.

So, perhaps there should be more broad-themed challenges over on the gfic or video side of things to spark an interest in those Muses.

LabRat smile
The boards aren't dead. Dead is when there isn't any cerebral activity. And OK, not all posts are highly cerebral, but there is activity.


I'm sorry, I couldn't help prove (once again) that I'm a huge geek.

This said... there's a ficathon about to start, on the dark side of the board. I think that's proof enough that we *are* doing something to generate posts.

(as for myself personally, though.. I've kinda been abducted by a man in black.. but y'all knew this already!)

ETA (now that I see Labby's post): I'm all for vidathons and themed challenges. Those are lots of fun. Notice that I've organized a few of those, myself, actually. Makes me wish people would join in more, though, instead of just sitting around and waiting for others to put some life back into the place. Ahem.
Ooh, semantics! goofy But who said anything about dead anyway? Me?? Nope.

'Death' as referred to in the title is 'the act of dying' ie approaching death, which is a process that can take years and years. Miss Moon is right. Not dead yet. Just possibly meandering slowly towards being so.

Blahblahblah... goofy

Hey Lara, can we do another vidathon now I sort of know sort of how to make then? (oh, wait, your partner in crime seems to have absconded...)
Makes me wish people would join in more, though, instead of just sitting around and waiting for others to put some life back into the place. Ahem.
Too true. laugh Maybe that could be our official slogan.

"Stop being part of the problem. Become the solution." goofy

LabRat smile
Originally posted by gr8shadesofElvis:
Now that NSM is over and Michael's stories are nearing an end I fear we'll be in for another quiet period.
blush Thanks smile But I do have half a dozen more ideas, a big story plot bunny, actually, it's a big white elephant by now, and so ...

And on the gfic-boards we have 5-6 stories posting weekly, too.

And the themed challenges sound like a good idea, too.

Hey Lara, can we do another vidathon now I sort of know sort of how to make then?
Go right ahead and start one -- why wait for someone else to get the ball rolling?
Now that NSM is over and Michael's stories are nearing an end I fear we'll be in for another quiet period. Let's hope not.
Never fear, several(really, really good) fics are in the works (both gfic and nfic). I hope the fabulous authors I beta for don't mind me volunteering that. Be on the lookout because all of them are original and fabulous! I'm really excited.

Hey, that's great to hear, alcyone. It's always great to know that there are new fics in the queue.

Here's an idea, based on something that works very well in my new fandom: a monthly (or bi-monthly, or whatever) prompt challenge post. Over on an LJ community I'm a member of, one person posts a set of picture prompts, and now also quote and lyric prompts, every month, and invites people to write fic, make fanart, create videos etc based on the prompts.

Here\'s the latest prompt post .

Of course, someone - or a few people - would have to take responsibility for gathering and posting the pictures/lyrics/quotes etc, but maybe it could work to inspire people?

Wendy smile
I've never been an active poster, but I always check at least twice a day. The fic isn't completely dead, since there's 3 long stories I'm reading right now, and one more I want to read. And there's always new posts every time I look. There could be more fic, though... wink
I love, love, love what Wendy's fandom does. Can I vote we have something like that?

This board ain't dead! And I refuse to Believe it!

But I do see that some of the people who were prominent posters when I joined have turned lurkers.

I'm all for vidathons and themed challenges.
I'd join, once I've found out how to copy stills and video clips from my LC Videos.

I've tried PrintScreen etc. but they always appear black once I paste them in MSPaint.

I chose the sixth option : (I am a Believer.)
I really am busy, but I've been trying to spare some time for the boards and write some fics.

That's why I joined Smut-a-thon. Thought I could revive my unconscious muse.

I'm sure that FoLC talent isn't dead, so you guys need to show us more of it!
Oh yeah! Yeah!
@ Wendy -- I love that idea. I've participated in a few of those on LJ and they're always great fun.

It'd be fun if someone did this here, too. smile

(and no, don't you all look at me, I've given already and organized ficathons and a vidathon -- someone else should try...)
But they certainly are 'without vitality, spirit, enthusiasm, or the like; lacking the customary activity; dull; inactive', etc.
Not for lack of trying on some of our parts.

Now that NSM is over and Michael's stories are nearing an end I fear we'll be in for another quiet period. Let's hope not. Makes me sad.
Well, we're doing a smutathon in August, but very few people have signed up. It's hard to try to encourage spirit, etc., when people sit around and wait for other people to organize stuff or don't participate.

And honestly, it doesn't surprise me, because it makes it hard for people to get enthused about writing or vidding when their efforts aren't getting as much response -- which is common around this time of year, because people are out and about.

I think we should all make sure we're giving feedback on the stories and vids we love, and get people hyped up about coming back in August and September. I say school's about to be back in session at FoLC University.

Who's with me?
I love, love, love what Wendy's fandom does. Can I vote we have something like that?

All it needs is someone to take the initiative and put up that first post smile That's what the person on Time and Chips did - it wasn't an official community challenge by any means. She just started posting picture prompts a year or so ago, it was popular and it's kept going ever since. Her dedication to finding and compiling pictures, and now quotes, has paid off - people actually message her, worried, if the post is late! sad

Maybe, to avoid putting all the responsibility on one person, two or three people could volunteer to compile pictures, quotes and so on each month?

Wendy smile
I volunteer for Sept, if no one else is crazy about it. Having two other people would be really cool, though.

I'll try and make my post as random as possible on all fronts wink

Yay Alcyone! goofy

Wendy smile
OK, I posted a fun poll in the L&C thread.


If you think the board is still dead afterward, at least the wake was fun, right? wink
I chose "My boss is a miserable sod and won't let me on at work." Until last year I had free internet access at work and was used to post frequently. But things changed and now I just have access to work related pages. smile1 And I'm all for vidathons, too. I still didn't dare to write, but I can make videos. I'll look for some inspiration to make new ones. wink

Originally posted by EditorJax:
Well, we're doing a smutathon in August, but very few people have signed up. It's hard to try to encourage spirit, etc., when people sit around and wait for other people to organize stuff or don't participate.

And honestly, it doesn't surprise me, because it makes it hard for people to get enthused about writing or vidding when their efforts aren't getting as much response -- which is common around this time of year, because people are out and about.
That's so very true, Jenn.

Posted By: RL Re: Death of a Message Board: What's your excuse? - 07/30/08 12:10 AM
I've mostly moved on to other fandoms (no, it's not the Doctor, who seems to have stolen many others from here, though I am a fan of the show), but do check these boards at least once a day just because I love the camaraderie and the relationships built on this board. I still read an occasional L&C fic but rarely post outside of the general discussion sub-board.

This fandom does beat just about anything else out there.
but do check these boards at least once a day just because I love the camaraderie and the relationships built on this board.
Amen to that, Roger.

I think the number of responses to this thread and the willingness to come up with ideas, belies the thread header all on its own. laugh

I wouldn't mind putting up prompts at some point. That would be kind of fun and I certainly have the time for it.

Although I'd kind of have to figure out how to posts photos here, first. laugh But I assume that's not too difficult. Even for a technophobe with the technological brain of a lobotomised wombat like me.

LabRat smile (who has a vague memory of setting up a Photobucket account in the distant past that was never used...)
Although I'd kind of have to figure out how to posts photos here, first.
Some challenges I've seen use a word table instead of images -- might that be easier?

Like this one, for instance:

01. agonized / 02. angry / 03. deceptive / 04. ecstatic / 05. effervescent / 06. empty
07. energetic / 08. excited / 09. exhausted / 10. frantic / 11. frustrated / 12. grieving
13. happy / 14. haunted / 15. impatient / 16. peaceful / 17. pensive / 18. playful
19. resigned / 20. reverent / 21. romantic / 22. sad / 23. saucy / 24. suspicious
25. terrified / 26. triumphant

There are scripts that will generate random lists of words, btw. I don't know of any off hand, but I know of people who have used them, so it's easy enough to find. laugh
Well, it would work for me. laugh Don't know about everyone else. Thanks for the idea, Lara.

I was just examining my old PB account - and wondering what the etiquette is on these photos. There's a search facility for images, which brings up lots of photos. But they have names attached, so I'm assuming they've been uploaded by people to their PB accounts, but are available to view to anyone, rather than by password.

Is it okay to use those elsewhere, like here on the mbs? Or is that taboo? I know there are sites out there that have images you can use copyright-free - I used one of a rat for the production logo of my MV from one of those. Do you have to stick to those when using photos? Or is any photo fair game to 'steal' and repost on the web, unless its poster has specifically said you can't?

I'm clueless, as you can see. <G> But I wouldn't want to step on any toes.

LabRat smile
I was going to suggest google images and one of the words for heightened randomness. We're doing this for fun and not for profit, so I'm hoping something like that would be okay...

Hi All,

It’s my vacation! I’m a serious lurker and I don’t respond much because I have limited time on the computer. I do enjoy reading L&C Fanfic when I have time. I usually send email feedback to writers. However, I’m going to make a serious effort to post comments for the fanfic that I read.

I don’t think the Lois and Clark boards are dying. Over the years I’ve noticed a pattern on these boards with its activity. In the beginning when the show was in it’s first run, finding a place to discuss what was happening on the weekly show was a lot of fun. The internet was still a novelty with AOL having chat rooms for different TV shows. The ABC Network had a L&C Messageboard that was very active with chat rooms and fanfic.

After the show was canceled a lot of people dropped out, but others continued to chat and post fanfic on Zoomway’s site after the ABC Network’s Lois and Clark site closed. The next surge of popularity occurred when the series went into syndication on the TNT Cable Channel and new people became fans of L&C. The last big spike of new writers arrived when the L&C Series was available by seasons on CDs and the current boards were established.

So, I’m not sure what is going to prompt the next round of L&C Fanfic. It’s been a fun ride considering that the show was canceled over ten years ago. A lot of very dedicated people have kept these boards and the L&C Archive alive with volunteers who work endless hours being BRs, Editing, Writing, and Moderating the talented work that gets posted.

Thank you so much!
Now Write on! smile1
LabRat, posting photos is very easy if you use the little IMAGE code.

Go to your photo. Right-click on the image itself and select 'properties'. Then copy and paste the URL, which will usually end in .jpg.

Come back to your posting window. Click on IMAGE. In the dialogue box, paste the address of the photo. Click okay. And hey presto! the code's all entered for you. smile

Wendy smile
Originally posted by alcyone:
I volunteer for Sept, if no one else is crazy about it. Having two other people would be really cool, though.

I'll try and make my post as random as possible on all fronts wink

OK, while I won't even answer the question (can't think right now), I was volunteered, er, I mean, I herewith wish to volunteer for the month of October.

Because: hey, I can do random. I can put both my ankles behind my neck at the same time, too. (That's actually true!) See, that's how well I do random.

I was volunteered, er, I mean, I herewith wish to volunteer for the month of October.
What a coincidence, Eva. October is one of my favorite months. Could I perhaps ask you include one lyric from my favorite song? I'd include it in my prompt post, but I'm really going for randomness. I mean I completely understand if you don't and I don't want to overstep myself or anything, but I just love Celine Dion's "I'm Everything Because of You." It's so inspirational, you know?


When I found this thread a few days ago and read it I was shocked. Well, I noticed that it is very quiet on the board but I didn't think it was that bad. I must admit that I don't post feedback very much (mostly because I thought nobody notices if I do or if I don't) but I am on vacation right now and my friends asked me to send emails to them so that they know how I'm doing. And now I sit in front of my laptop for one and a half our every evening with them rarely writing back... I know every reply counts. blush
I had an idea how to get some folks to write: I've once read a book where the writer had to choose at the end of every page how the story should go on.
For example:
Lois and Clark doing something in the newsroom and then Perry calls them into the office.
CHOICE A: Perry shouting at them for not covering the latest Superman rescue
CHOICE B: Perry congrats them for the last headline
(the number of choices should be limited to avoid dead ends)

Anyone knows what I mean or knows books like these?

Anyway people who have no time to write whole fic or who write for the first time could participate.
Thanks, Wendy! So, are we agreed then that copyright on photos uploaded to sites like PB isn't an issue?

LabRat smile
My name is not TOC.
rotflol Ah, dearest Ann. She’s always faithful.

And, well, since I work in a psych hospital, I couldn’t resist the Prozac answer.

'I fear my muse may have died and now I can't finish the 20 fics that I have started.'
Groan... Not 20 but I know how you feel. Mine did come back to visit for awhile but not for long.

I don’t think the board is dying and I don’t think it ever will.

I think part of the problem is that a lot of people lurk. If I hadn’t lurked so long, I might have realized that I actually worked with a person who is on this board. Go figure... (I don’t work with him now, but we worked in the same area. If I remember correctly, there were less than 30 of us.) But it might have been nice to come to work and say, “So how’s the story going? When are you going to post again?” (And by the way, when are you going to write another one? Yes, you know who you are. laugh )

Lara Joelle is without an internet connection except for at school. Maybe others have that problem...
Okay, I'm up for providing the prompts for November, if no one else wants it.

LabRat smile
I just looked at this thread and was shocked by the title. I don't think that the message board is dead. It has been a bit quite, but sometimes, real lift gets in the way. But the first thing I do every morning is check the boards.
How about a "I'm afraid to post until I whip my WIPs into shape so that I don't get bugged to whip them quicker?" laugh
I know I haven't been posting a lot lately. (like I did in the beginning) I've been busy with school, busy with friends, on vacation and sort of in a another fandom. I still come here to check new posts it just isn't that often any more. blush I'll try harder to come here, I promise!!
I read this thread last week or so and then read Wendy's first line challenge so I screwed up my courage and my face and I wrote my first fic.

My hat is off to all authors, posting is scary. God bless beta readers.
LOL. Those choices were hilarious.

I chose I'm into another fandom <gasp> and that I've been probed by an alien <I'm a believer>. I find it coincidental that there were both those choices because the fandom that I've been on lately is for the X-files. Ha! laugh

I do check these boards pretty much everyday though. I've got too many friends here to just give it up all together. <hugs to my folcs>
I came here recently because I JUST discovered Lois and Clark. I was amazed to find so many fans and stories, considering that the show has been off the air over 10 years!

Now, I don't know what it use to be like, but compared to other places it is a little SLOW around here...

Of course, I discovered L&C on a tip from the Smallville fans over at SuperHeroHype. That board is way more active... but when you count the great fiction here, I can spend more time here just reading.

Since I'm more of an artist than a writer I've let y'all inspire some visual projects. smile

But, honestly, learning that it used to be more active, I really DO hope it picks up around here... smile
I just recently have come back to this board. I was very active about 4 years ago and I left for college got new friends and a boyfriend and just forgot about it. It wasn't until recently that I thought to myself that I need to come back cause im not the same without my LnC addiction and obsession.

But looking back to when i first became a member it is a lot more dead then I expected. I don't write fanfic (there is a reason I am graduating with an accounting degree and its got something to do with my inability to write a sentence haha). I do read them but I also like the other threads.

I don't remember if it was the board or zoom way's board but in addition to the caption competition that they have now there were two other game type things. One where you needed to complete the quote and another where you needed to pick the episode and scene by a single clip that was posted.
I'm sure those that have been around awhile remember but those were my favorite and people always seem to check back to see if they won.

It be cool to bring those back. If anyone else is in favor I can start them (my job this summer is lifeguarding for a pool that no one comes to so i spend my days attached to my computer!
I would have been apart of the LnC community from day one, but I was NOT internet savvy back in the day. I don't even think I had access at home when it came on air. I find the boards go in cycles - not much happening and then BAM. Yes it is more quieter than what it used to be a couple of years ago (I think), but the quality of the posts are awesome and I find that hard to find elsewhere.

I must admit that I have not been here a lot for at least the last year because I needed to step away from the computer. I spent too much time latched to this seat. I'm trying to come back and hang out more though - so far it's once a month. I’ll build up to once a week. I often just don't know what to say; I’m normally over tired. Not knowing what to say is what I selected.

I want to access the boards at work, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post so I'm not pushing my luck. I go in spurts at lunch. I'll go everyday for two weeks and then nothing...I haven't done that though in about six months. blush
Hah! This poll is directly contradicted by the long thread on Palin as VP! Oh, the irony of that!
"I am not TOC"
© Lois & Clark Fanfic Message Boards