Well, there was a discussion about one of these once before. link
But since the one you give lists George and Lynn Fic as prominent, I'm not sure it's the one we talked about doing here on this board because I don't think 'George and Lynn Fic' is all that popular here.

A few months ago, I did get an email asking me to participate in a fan wiki, but it wanted to include things about 'fandom fighting' so I chose not to participate.

But here is the email in its entirety. I'll leave the sender out. I also left the links out.

Hello, I run Fan History, a fandom wiki xxxxx dedicated to writing and preserving the history of fandom. There is an article about the Lois_and_Clark fandom xxxxx that could use
some help from people inside the fandom. smile While it is easy to get things like when communities were started and when canon was released, it is much harder to put that information into context, find out about fandom fighting, who the big name fans are and what people are doing at conventions and on the more remote parts of the Internet. Any help in editing the article would be much appreciated. smile If you don't feel comfortable editing the Lois_and_Clark article xxxxxx, please pass the link along to anyone you think might be able to. smile The more people who contribute to the article, the more accurate and useful it will be.

Smileys left as they were in the email...

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~