I hope my e-mail finally got through!

As I said in my e-mail, a little more than a week ago, I set up a free hosting space and put a wiki based on the PmWiki engine on it to test it.

I then choose a bare but very flexible layout template, which still needs to be adjusted. This can be done with CSS. I started a first design, but didn't get very far because I was busy with starting my first real job (as a webdesigner, so now I can get paid as well wink ).

The temporary version of the wiki can be seen at http://folcwiki.isgreat.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php The structure is still temporary, because it still needs a bit of work. Changing this in the wiki is easy, but we first need to think about where to put which pages (and which pages still need to be added).

Don't judge by the layout, because as you can see: it's still non-existent. Maybe I can come up a first design later this week or during the weekend. If someone else wants to design something, that's okay. If you don't know CSS, I can implement the design into CSS for the wiki. If several people want to have a go at it, we can vote for the designs here on the boards.

Oh, and the free hosting is at Byethost, which has 250MB of space (should be more than enough), PHP, MySQL,... Transfering to a paid (and possible better) host would be great, this was just for testing out. Up until now, the only problem I've found with the current hosting is that when you give in a wrong url, it goes to a whole other website, instead to an error page. Which is kind of annoying and not looking very professional!

PS: I don't know if my e-mail arrived at the other e-mail addresses. I didn't get an error, but haven't received any replies either. Maybe every one is just busy, which I totally understand since it took me that long to send it out in the first place smile


~ An ~