I chose the fourth because I still sit on the fence as far as the whole thing is concerned even after years of studying biology and physics and also as a Christian I'm taught to believe in the creation story. At the moment even The Big Bang is still a theory and this theory is a concept of something being created out of nothing. Dan Brown's book Angels and Demons (which is actually supposed to come before The Da Vinci Code deals with the concept of antimatter reacting with anything to create a mass of energy in the form of light so in theory you can recreate the 'Let there be light' sequence from Genesis)

I often try to steer clear of two discussions one is politics and the other is evolution because those who know me know how opinionated I can get and believe me I'm quite capable of starting huge debates. Antimatter is the opposite of matter and according to theories in quantum mechanics (which I really won't get into I still can't wrap my head around it and I've done it for six years) everything has an opposite.

I'm getting off topic and if you are looking for a book on whether ID is feasible as another theory into eveolution I suggest that you read a book titled The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel. Christians will know this former legal journalist turned teaching pastor from this book entitled The Case for Christ which if you have not read I suggest you do it's a great read whether you are Christian or not. In this particular book Strobel meets and interviews many leading scientists in the field of human evolution and eveoultion as a whole and discovered that many of these people who had previously been adamant that Darwin's Origin of Species was entirely correct now started to think God's hand was involved because there were significant gaps in the evolution tree.

There are those also who believe that the previous methods used to prove that species evolved over time are now false. The most famous of which is in the field of embryology in which similarities were found in several veterbrates during the development stage.

Like I said I sit on the fence, I'm not inclined to entirely believe in evolution because right now we have more questions than answers. And as far as ID goes, I believe God must have done something to kick start the development of our world. I think the best way this whole debate was put into words was this question posed by a former classmate of mine in religious study. 'Maybe God created the world in seven days however, he could have also chosen the path of evolution we can't be too sure.' I have to say I agree with that and besides a little mystery isn't bad is it?

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller