Mobile phone? gee... what's that? wink Actually, I own one, but I stored it "somewhere" when we moved 3 years ago because we weren't ever using it and I'm fairly certain I'll never find it again.

According to my friends, owning a "gadget" and not even remembering where the heck you keep it is even worse than not having it at all.

Apparently, "normal people" have about as many TV set than people living in their home, if not usually more. I lose there too - we have only one and I don't see why we would ever want to own a second one. On the other hand, I own 5 computers (one of which I loaned to someone, though) and my boyfriend has one too - most "normal people" I know have just the one for the entire family and they barely even use it.

I'm definitely *not* normal... but imho, it's more fun that way!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies