I chose combination.

I dint' print from the very begginign because I started reafinf vignetes or short fanfics. I began printing for 2 reasons:

I'm not much of a computer/internet fan, even if I acknowlegde it makes so much information and books from every part of the world accesible to you, for me it won't ever supply the pleasure of sitting of a confortable couch and read a book on 'real' pages. You know, after a while I get tired of reading on the screen. So if it's a very long fic (i.e 250 kbs) *and* looks interesting or have read lots of good comments of it I print it. :rolleyes:

Some times I've read a fanfic on the computer and I loved it, to the point that I know I'll want to read many times, I print it.

Yeah...it does occupy some space but I love books and I consider them like books, plus I'm used to print some classes to study for my exams so either way I consume lots of printer cartridges. cool

Carolyn smile

Pisco and Ceviche ->100% PERUVIAN. Never doubt that.