I picked other - but now I'm wondering just what you're including in IT... To me, IT is the guys that fix the computers and manage the servers, databases and websites. At least, if I look at the people in the IT group at work, *that* is what they do. wink

Cause if it's meant to include other computer oriented jobs, then I guess I would fit into that as well...?

Officially, I'm a "Software Test Engineer". Sounds nice, huh? But I'm actually at the very bottom of the food chain. LOL! I don't even really test the software myself - I mostly write test scripts for the automated test systems to run on the software. Meaning I sit there and program the test engine to do my work for me. wink

I sometimes wish I still had my little announcer's job for a radio station. I loved that. I miss it... Hell, these days I even miss the job I had recording messages for phone systems ("For service in English, please press One. To reach Customer Service, please press Two.").

My life is just a long list of bad career decisions. frown

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies