Hey, D8A, I am also a Christian and have even done missionary work. Maybe what you say is true, but I'm like Sue - If it hadn't happened to me, I wouldn't believe it. But don't call people ignorant, because you haven't encountered such things. And don't automatically assume it's demonic spirits. There are many things that can't be explained. Some of the 'ghosts' that people have encountered have been nice and have done kind things. Demons don't do that - period. They wonder the earth seeking whom they may devour, and yes, they use deception, but they aren't going to do things that would cause the faith of a Christian believer to increase. Perhaps those beings that do kind things are angels. Whatever these beings are, they do in fact exist. If, as you say, that
simple demonic spirits trying to confuse and prey upon the ignorant.
then why have many godly people encountered such things when they most certainly aren't ignorant? For a while, my cousin, who has a master's in theology and so definitely isn't ignorant, was living with us. He didn't believe either until he encountered Mr. Brown.

You said:
Hebrews 9:27 states that it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this is the judgment.
The final judgement doesn't happen until Christ's return. And guess what? My church (and others) teach that the other plane of existence occupies the same space that we do. So who's to say we can't sometimes see the spirits of the dead who are awaiting the final judgment?

D8A, I sincerely hope that you don't one day encounter the unexplainable.... <Giggles>

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~