I believe that all 'hauntings' are simple demonic spirits
I find this actually a wee bit scarier. I was taught this from childhood, which is why I find that scarier. There's all sorts of religious work out there about curses and that sort of thing that one can't easily shake themselves out of--stuff that attracts bad things (tm). I read something about someone buying some voodoo thing and feeling strange presences in his/her room, the bed dipping and no one being there. That sort of thing, and the experiences just getting progressively worse.

That's why I can't watch possession movies.

But there are a lot of scientific explanations out there. So I don't look badly to science. For instance, I've heard that people have had experiences of waking up and feeling pressed down or unable to move--before this was associated with the supernatural and it tends to be an actual physical condition of some sort that isn't that uncommon. *shrug*

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan