I'm generally accused of thinking too logically for my own good (my friends say I reason like a computer... geee, that would explain why I studied programming, wouldn't it. LOL!) but I do believe that there are things that just plain cannot be explained by science, so yes, I'd have to say that I believe in ghosts and spirits. (Not all being "evil", obviously.)

About graveyards - when I was in Paris, we visited the Père-Lachaise cemetary and I have to admit that I got chills several times while I was there. I'm not sure it had to do with spirits, though, but rather being in the final resting place of people like Balzac and Molière, Chopin and Bizet and Jim Morrison, of course. wink It's not so much the thought that the place might be haunted by their spirits, but rather the history of the place and its inoccupants that gave me goose-bumps.

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies