I never believed in ghosts as a child and young adult. I was raised by an accountant - our world was largely black & white, with little room for gray. If you couldn't see it, it wasn't there. But as I have gotten older, I have learned that not everything under the sun is dictated by logic, and I have been in some situations that were just.... weird. Not to mention that I am now also a person of faith, and there is plenty of precendent for spirits in the Bible.

In short, my logical upbringing is still at war with my adult experience and beliefs. I am still on the fence, but I am leaning towards yes.

By the way, I grew up next to a graveyard and I still love to visit them. But in all the hours I have spent in them, I have never felt any odd presence. My dad always said it wasn't the dead folks we had to worry about!

lisa in the sky with diamonds